From 1997-2004 (updated 2021/3/7) 2003 Pics
Danny Winters teaching kids English めっちゃ楽しいで!
Email exchanges
Doug Kutilek on Bible versions
Changes to Spirit of Prophecy
Study changes to Ellen White's books
Word-by-word comparison of 1st chapter of 1858 Great Controversy and Early Writings
Religious unity
Pope's call for unity 2000/3/25
The New Moral Global Order 2003/4/10
False Teachings
Thots on © Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Ph.D's Teachings
Is the Bible Inerrant? - YES! 2003/09/16
Response to "Is Beyond Belief Beyond Belief?" 2003/09/26
Personal life religious history
Pics and Diary
2003 diary, idols, 17,000GCs, Bible studies, war
2002 diary, Fuji-san, evil spirits
Pics 2002 kids & printing Great Controversy
2001 diary, finish translating and printing Japanese GC
Pics 2000 & 2001 Japan & Tennessee
1999 stuff, SDA English school director
1998 stuff (mostly India), India pics
The best quote of 2003: "Instead of learning that evil must be fought, you learned that fighting is evil."
Many people seem to forget that God loves good and hates evil. Perhaps this is the result of many churches teaching God's "unconditional love???"
The Concordat that Hitler signed with the Vatican in 1933 bore the signatures of chief negotiator Cardinal Pacelli (who became Pius XII, 1939-1958) and Hitler's Deputy (Vice-Chancellor of the Reich) Franz von Papen, who was a leading Roman Catholic. In a German newspaper called the Volkischer Beobachter of January 14, 1934, von Papen wrote the following: "The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognises, but puts into practice, the high principles of the Papacy."
Audio sermon by Ian Paisley on Nazis connections with Catholicism.
The best way to honor Pope John Paul II, truly one of the great men, is to take his teaching seriously; is to listen to his words and put his words and teachings into action here in America. This is a challenge we must accept."
Comment by President George Bush in 2001 about putting Pope's principles into action
日本語の聖書研究(作成中) Japanese Bible Study
Link to Bible and Spirit of Prophecy texts on "Time of Trouble"
Link to Early SDA & 1858 Great Controversy
Postcard from Darjeeling, India
Postcard of Osaka castle, Japan
Postcard of Ritsurin Park,栗林公園 Takamatsu, Japan
Pic of Danny's best friends, homeless guys in Osaka, Japan studying Bible with Yao church members
I've had the same email address since Fall, 1997 - tenkoku1 (then the at symbol) hotmail (dot) com Send me something (^-^)
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